The experiment involves 3 grain production farms, 2 in Finland (Knehtilä and Similä) and 1 in Sweden (Hedåkers Säteri). One of the farms in Finland is an organic farm (Knehtilä Farm). Farmers produce grain utilizing novel technologies such as precision fertilizing, spraying, yield mapping, remote sensing, as seen feasible in the farm. The farms aim at sustainable production and profitability by resource efficient methods and by seeking the best price for their produce in the markets. Farmers contact consumer groups for co-creation of their production and products. Farmers take consumer needs into account when planning and establishing data collection in their farms. Luke and Agroväst assist farmers in these activities. Luke and Agroväst also define common data ontology for the data exchange between different partners in the experiment. The technology companies provide solutions for data collection, processing and decision support in the field operations before and during the selective harvest (AgroIntelli, GrainSense), as well as for processing data to product information (Suonentieto/AgriSmart, DataVäxt) to meet the interest of consumers and grain buyers.
Farmers keep record of grain batches from harvester’s full tanks of grain through the after harvest processes in farm up to transportation of grain from farm to buyer by a chain of linked identity code systems (Agrointelli, Cinia).
The farmers take selected grain lots to the electronic grain marketplace (Suomen Viljakauppa/ to seek the best price for their products. The buyer can trace the production chain back to field through the linked identity code systems.
All services are integrated to each other by an integration service (Cinia). The integration service includes also the consent management functionalities for sharing data confidentially between the joining services.
The feasibility of the constructed digital grain chain is evaluated and observed benefits are reported utilizing suitable Competence Center services. Farmers will conduct the work with Luke’s and Agroväst’s assistance. The experiment partners will demonstrate and communicate the whole digital grain chain, its structure, elements, use, feasibility and benefits especially to other farmers, but also to other technology providers to extend the experiment towards practical ecosystem.